Pothole Patrol

October 16, 2008 by  
Filed under Cycling, Local News

Andy Ross and Cllr Danny AldersloweCouncillor Danny Alderslowe has been on pothole patrol at various locations in the city, encouraging cyclists to report potholes to the Council and get them repaired.

The Council has a service commitment to repair potholes on main roads within 24 hours and on side roads within five days. Potholes are particularly hazardous for cyclists as they often occur at the edges of roads where cyclists usually ride. Swerving to avoid them can place cyclists in danger as they can come into contact with passing traffic. Danny told the LOCAL NEWS: ‘It’s great to see so many people cycling these days, but if the roads are in poor condition it discourages people from using their bikes. And it is especially difficult for new cyclists. Potholes are a serious hazard.’

The council’s pothole hotline number is 0800 373635.