Advertising Information

The LOCAL NEWS SOUTH (established 1997 as the LOCAL NEWS for SOUTHSIDERS) and the LOCAL NEWS northWESTeast (established 2007 as the LOCAL NEWS for WESTENDERS) are monthly community newspapers.

Each has a print run of 20,000 copies and an estimated readership of 40,000 people. Together, they cover the whole of the city of GLASGOW, Scotland.

For full advertising rates – including web rates –  please contact us at:

tel: 0141 226 4898

Jo Anne, Karen, Laura or James will be happy to help you.

Newspaper rates for one title start at £60+ VAT for a single business card sized space.

Newspaper rates for both titles start at £120+ VAT for a single business card sized space.

We offer FREE DESIGN and a good discount for block bookings in three or more consecutive issues.