Prince Edward Visits Glasgow’s East End

December 11, 2008 by  
Filed under Features, Glasgow East, Local News

Bannerman High School in the East End, has hailed a visit from Edward, Earl of Wessex as a great success.

Prince Edward was all smiles as he watched a dozen mountain biking pupils demonstrate their two wheeled skills. The £40,000 mountain bike circuit was opened recently at the school and 50 students were using it to gain credits in the Duke of Edinburgh Awards Scheme.


Rob Ross, Sport for Learning teacher at Bannerman High, said: ‘The visit was a great happening. All too often we hear about the negative side of learning in the East End but this shows there are far more positive things taking place. It was a shining example of learning.’

Second year pupil Darren Martin said: ‘After we cycled round the circuit, His Royal Highness asked us what we were trying to achieve by taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme and what we were doing on the track. I said: – having fun, keeping fit and keeping safe.’

During his packed schedule in Glasgow, Prince Edward was given a guided tour of Glasgow’s Commonwealth Games 2014 offices, accompanied by Lord Provost Bob Winter. He met John Scott, Chief Executive of 2014 and the team behind the games.

Kerri Farnsworth, Project Manager of Glasgow 2014 took her third encounter with Royalty in her stride. Kerri, who lives in Kelvinbridge, said: ‘He asked me about my involvement with the Manchester Games in 2002 and I told him about a pre-volunteer programme which got workless people involved in the games. We plan a similar programme for Glasgow.’

Another place Prince Edward visited was Diageo’s Dundashill Cooperage near Spiers Wharf in Glasgow. There he viewed traditional coopering skills and more modern mechanical techniques. The Dundashill Cooperage produces 82,500 casks each year and among the staff are four apprentice coopers learning the skills at the on-site apprentice school. As well as building casks, the team also repairs and rejuvenates casks.

Later, he attended the inaugural Earl of Wessex Awards for Cooperage, held by the Incorporation of Coopers at the Trades Hall in Glassford Street in the city centre. Addressing the gathering of coopers and industry representatives, the Prince described coopering as a ‘fantastic and genuine skill’ saying ‘long may it continue’.