Editorial – December

December 11, 2008 by  
Filed under Local News, The Editor

While bankers shed crocodile tears as people sweat blood to keep home and hearth together, the multi million pound war ships are well into production, securing thousands of jobs on the Clyde and elsewhere.

No one has answered the question – who will they be used against?

But as this is a time of year when Christians and Muslims are expected to show peace and goodwill to everyone, let’s not be churlish. Let’s concentrate instead on working out how Christmas lighting up gatherings have brought together larger crowds than ever before;  how more neighbours  and communities are volunteering and organising their own local clean ups more readily and how children still have faith that the big man in the red suit will make their dreams come true.

Yes, put cynicism out with the rubbish! Bah humbug be banished! May all our readers enjoy a  Happy Eid, a Merry Christmas and find hope in the New Year to come.

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