Theatre Nemo in Saughton Prison

November 6, 2008 by  
Filed under Local News

Theatre Nemo were in Saughton Prison in Edinburgh last month as eight inmates hosted their short film entitled ‘Does Anyone Know’.

Dealing with general life issues the inmates produced the film in 40 hours through drama workshops and support from the campaigning theatre group based in Glasgow.

As reported previously in the LOCAL NEWS, Theatre Nemo have worked on similar projects in Barlinnie Prison for several years.

Nemo’s founder and director, Isobel McCue, told LOCAL NEWS: ‘This is the first time we have worked with Saughton and what they produced was wonderful. We’d like to work with them again. It is not an easy option for inmates to take part in drama coaching. But it helps them to develop social skills.’

The Saughton men created every aspect of their film through to production and editing.

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