Overnewton Square Makeover

November 6, 2008 by  
Filed under Glasgow West, Local News

Pauline McNeill MSP, Anne Lumb, Councillor Philip BraatFriends of Overnewton Square in Yorkhill celebrated their first anniversary as a campaigning organisation by inspecting their refurbished Park.


Their efforts released £35,000 for a makeover with a little help from local Councillor Philip Braat and MSP Pauline Mc Neill. The improvements to the old square included setting up natural re-cycled sandstone entrances and bespoke railings. Glasgow City Council’s Land and Environmental Services did the work.

The formal opening of phase one of the improvements will be on Friday 17 October. The same day, a new children’s play area will be opened in Kelvingrove Park.

Said Councillor Philip Braat, who has been supportive of the Friends of Overnewton Square from the outset:  ‘Everyone involved in this project should be congratulated. I am delighted that the stone entrances and fencing have been completed. The next phase will be to develop the inside of the square. This will involve a physical change to the layout of the place.’

The Friends set up a design workshop and public consultation in June in conjunction with Richard East from City Design Co-operative and with support from Kelvin Clyde Greenspace. As a result, a Masterplan was drawn up for the Square. The Friends now enter the second phase of development.

Again, the Friends will host a public event and consultation in Overnewton Recreation Centre on Tuesday 21 October to get reaction to the Masterplan’s second phase.

An Autumn celebration and annual general meeting for the Friends’ Group are also planned around that time.  ‘We wish to attract new, active members from the local community to help with the important task of raising funds and starting to establish the woodland garden, said Anne Lumb, Secretary of the Friends Group.

The design builds on the existing woodland character of the site and aims to provide a facility for all ages to enjoy and as an important green oasis in Yorkhill.

The Friends are also campaigning for improvements to the Overnewton Recreation centre to go alongside the outdoor upgrading. The hope is that such developments will provide the community with a gathering point and will generate active interest in the wider environment of the area.

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