Editorial – November

November 6, 2008 by  
Filed under Local News, The Editor

November is a time to remember. Not just Guy Fawkes whose legacy is a spectacular fireworks display done superbly well by Glasgow City Council, but other people who fought for what they believed was right and died in the process.

How many war memorials will be visited this month by bands of dedicated people who lay wreaths of red poppies and white ones for peace? And how many of those places will not receive another visitor till the same time next year. Most of such memorials are dying of neglect and vandalism.

Is there no band of volunteers willing to refresh these monuments to brave people?

Or is it something Clean Glasgow should add to its already extensive duties? Since there is no comprehensive register of public and private war memorials in Glasgow we invite readers to let the LOCAL NEWS know of any local war memorial you think needs to be remembered.

 Just email us on: newsdesk@localnewsglasgow.co.uk with MEMORIALS in the subject box or write to us at MEMORIALS, The LOCAL NEWS, Yam Publications Ltd, 73 Robertson Street, Glasgow G2 8QD.

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