Doors Open Day – Introduction

More than 50,000 people walked through the Doors Open at 135 historic and key buildings in Glasgow in September, leading the organisers to propose another week-long festival for next year.

Traditionally, Doors Open has run over a weekend in September. In this, the 19th year of the event which enables properties to open their doors to visitors, talks, walks and other associated events were programmed over seven days.

Rosie Elliot, Area Co-ordinator with Glasgow Building Preservation Trust said: ‘This year has been a huge success with the numbers of visitors up at all buildings. All the walks were fully booked the week before.’ However, the team of six at Glasgow Building Preservation Trust had their work cut out to cope with the huge demand. But they managed it!

Top of the poll was St Andrew’s in the Square which attracted 2,500 visitors.

Govanhill Baths, closed seven years ago amid local fury, attracted more than 1000 people to see the present state of the magnificent Edwardian Baroque interior and the future plans by a Trust to transform the building into a Community Sports and Wellbeing Centre

 North Doors Closed

Said Rosie: ‘It is a real sadness to me that there were no Doors Open venues this year in the North of the city. I really want some for next year and would welcome suggestions from LOCAL NEWS readers. It involves a lot of commitment and time to the people who are responsible for the venue, but I know there must be some good places that visitors would want to see.’

If you have a suggestion for a building in Glasgow’s Northern sector you’d like to see included in Doors Open next year then email the LOCAL NEWS on : and tell us where it is.

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