Doors Open Day – Garnethill Synagogue

November 6, 2008 by  
Filed under Glasgow West, Local News

Doors Open Day Garnethill SynagogueGarnethill Synagogue – the first purpose built for Jewish worship in Scotland – attracted more than 400 people – of many faiths and none to their Doors Open Day. The Jewish house of worship was opened in Hill Street, near the School of Art, in 1879. It was re-consecrated in 1998 after a £660,000 refurbishment and is still a regular place of worship. Said Gerald Levin, the Synagogue President for the past ten years, ‘We had 35 schools with a total of 700 pupils visit us this year up till the summer holidays. We also have a lot of visitors, especially in the summer. They are our saving grace because we need 10 men aged 13 and above to make up a quorum for our Shabbat services. While we have around 200 members they are scattered.’  Since 1987 the Garnethill Synagogue has been home to the Scottish Jewish Archives Centre. Director Harvey Kaplan, told the LOCAL NEWS, ‘Our permanent exhibition space was opened formally by Stewart Maxwell, Minister for Communities and Sport during the summer. Hundreds of people come here to research their family history.’ The Centre documents and illustrates the religious, organisational, social, economic, political, cultural and family lives of Jews who have lived in Scotland since the 18th century. The Centre has published authoritative books such as ‘Hannah Frank, A Glasgow Artist’, ‘Second City Jewry’ and ‘Glasgow Jewish Journeys.’ On Doors Open Day most people who visited the Synagogue found their way to the Archives Centre too. The Centre’s website is: or Harvey Kaplan from Scottish Jewish Archives Centre



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